Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 4 Discussion (3)

Module 4 Discussion (3)

Q Answer the questions substantially. A. I’ve heard people excusing their unbelief by saying, “If I would see the miracles of Jesus or experience the crossing of the red see and hearing God’s voice speaking form the Mt. Sinai I would believe.” How does the character of the disciples help us understand that argument? You may also think of the story of the nation of Israel. B. You have probably heard people speaking negatively about the Pharisees and their way of life. Perhaps you heard preachers using them as warning in their sermons. The main point usually is that they were trying to be “too righteous” and we should not try to be like them. Instead of just following the law, we should live under grace. Sometimes people who try to follow the law are accused of being pharisaic. Read Matthew 5:20. Think about that text and who the Pharisees were. What does this text tell you about how to live and about the following the law? And how can it be understood with seemingly contrasting text found in Matthew 23:2-3?

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In this world people tend to believe only those things that they see or experience themselves and have become highly doubtful. Though we have not seen God but we can experience Him in our lives through various instances. But in my point of view if God would have been present in this present day and would have done various miracles still people would have a hard time believing in Him for we humans are always doubting others. This nature would keep many people believing in God. As we have seen the life of disciples when they were with Lord that they were able to see Him and various of His miracles that He did but still they were confused and remained doubtful towards Jesus.